Bibliographic Control (General Cataloguing)
General Cataloguing
Authority Tools for Audiovisual and Music Catalogers: An Annotated List of Useful Resources – Compiled by OLAC
IFLA, Section of cataloguing- Includes reports, twice-yearly newsletter, and several key texts.
IFLA, UBCIM – News on the Bibliographic Control and International MARC Core Activity
Library of Congress, Cataloging Directorate- Contains many important sections, including those for the PCC (Program for Cooperative Cataloging) and its divisions, CDS (Cataloging Distribution Service) and MARC; many pages of news on LC policy decisions, discussions and papers worth reading.
Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service - For information on LC’s cataloguing products, such as the CD-ROMs, Classification Plus (LCSH & LCC) and Cataloger’s Desktop.
Library of Congress, Program for Cooperative Cataloging- Home page of the PCC, with links to its divisions of BIBCO, CONSER, NACO, and SACO. to its divisions of BIBCO, CONSER, NACO, and SACO.
Cataloguing Tools
Cooperative Computer Services – This website lists the local cataloguing practices of the Catalog and Metadata Management (CAMM) Technical Group. The web version was established in November 2008, with a major revision in early 2017.
Cataloger’s Reference Shelf – The Cataloger’s Reference Shelf provides the following resources: MARC Data Formats; MARC Code Lists; Other Reference Manuals and Subject Cataloging Manuals.
Cataloguing and Processing: A Resource for School Library Personnel – This is the official website of Manitoba Education and Training, School Programs Division. This resource outlines the procedures for cataloguing and processing library materials. This publication serves as a recommended bibliographic standard for school libraries in Manitoba.
Cataloguing Resources: External – This list includes resrouces useful in cataloguing that have been created and maintained outside of the Tulane University Libraries. Documents content includes resource by type, cataloging tools, electronic resources, authority work etc.
Library Cataloguing Aids – This ALCTS website provides links to various cataloguing resources and tools.
The Library of Congress (Cataloguing and Acquisitions) – This is the home page of the Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate. On this website, the information includes: Cataloguing tools, documentation; catalogues and authority records; classification; general, descriptive cataloguing; publications, reports and subject headings.
Princeton University Cataloging Documentation – On this website, you can find the documentation on Catalogue and Metadata services.
Terminologies Service (OCLC Cataloguing and Metadata) – The Terminologies Service website provides access to multiple controlled vocabularies to help you create consistent metadata for your library collections. It is easy as copy-and-paste into a workform or template once you find a term to use in your description, improving the description of (and access to) your digital and hard copy materials.
Descriptive Cataloguing
Abbreviations for place of publication in AACR2 and as postal codes - US zip codes and their AACR equivalents. Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records
ISBD (G) – The IFLA standard, on which AACR2 is based
ISSN International Centre
RDA Steering Committee – Website of the RDA Steering Committee (RSC). Previously known as the JSC/RDA. it was responsible for maintaining the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, and is working continuously on the recently-released code, RDA (aka Resource Description and Access).
025.431 : The Dewey blog
maintained by OCLC. Contains updates and discussions on the different Dewey classes
OCLC Classify
This is a prototype service designed to support the assignment of classification numbers for books, DVDs, CDs, and many other types of materials. The prototype provides access to more than 36 million WorldCat records that contain DDC, LCC and NLM. You can retrieve the classification summary by ISBN, ISSN, UPC, OCLC number, or author/title.
OCLC Dewey Services – Includes monthly updates, product information.
Library of Congress Classification System
An outline of the scheme
NLM Classification – contains outlines of the NLM Classification.
UDC Consortium – homepage of the UDC consortium.